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 vyking » one kiss too many

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Kingsley Delarosa
Kingsley Delarosa
ADMIN ❖ roots before branches
▸INSCRIPTION : 03/03/2019
▸AVATAR : t holland / wcstedrose.
▸EMPLOI : writter

vyking » one kiss too many Empty
MessageSujet: vyking » one kiss too many   vyking » one kiss too many EmptyMar 10 Déc - 20:48

Selon le mensonge qu'il avait raconté à Joe, Kingsley était présentement chez le dentiste. Rien de majeur, seulement un nettoyage. Juste un petite fausseté, parce qu'Eli était hors de la maison et qu'enfin, Ivy et lui auraient du temps que pour eux.

Ils étaient dans sa chambre, un film de Noël en bruit de fond, seuls autrement. Pas d'animaux (ils étaient occupés par des friandises). Pas d'entrée surprise (toutes les portes étaient verrouillées et le système d'alarme armé). C'était qu'eux, et des baisers enchaînés. Ils étaient Doux, tendre, presque chastes au départ. Puis, moins, devenus plus passionnés, messy, hungry.

Les amoureux ne s'étaient jamais rendus jusque là. Ils n'en avaient pas eut l'opportunité. King en avait très souvent pensé, mais il n'avait même pas osé aborder l'idée. Sauf que voilà que, Ivy sur lui, leurs respirations mélangées, son corps parlait pour lui.


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Ivy Parker
Ivy Parker
- to the oak creek we go -
▸INSCRIPTION : 09/05/2019
▸AVATAR : Zendaya Coleman (valtersen) sign by endlesslove
▸EMPLOI : La danse, elle en rêve. Elle y arrivera, elle doit y croire parce que de toute façon, elle ne s'imagine pas ailleurs que sur scène.

vyking » one kiss too many Empty
MessageSujet: Re: vyking » one kiss too many   vyking » one kiss too many EmptyMer 11 Déc - 6:49

Ça avait commencé tout ce qu'il y a de plus innocemment. King et Ivy, profitant d'être pour une fois seuls à la maison to do a whole lot of nothing. Généralement avec eux, Netflix and chill se transformait en Netflix and cuddle. Et c'est comme ça que ça avait commencé.

Un baiser en avait entraîné un autre, chacun d'entre eux plus intense que le précédent. Somehow, she had ended up straddling him, though she couldn't really remember when or how it had happened. C'était bien la première fois qu'ils se laissaient emporter de la sorte - la première fois qu'ils en avaient vraiment l'occasion peut être. La première fois aussi qu'Ivy ne se mettait pas à paniquer à cette simple idée, aussi ? Meh. Don't underestimate her overthinking superpower.

Trop accaparée par leurs… activités, elle avait arrêté de penser. Un peu. Assez pour ne pas réaliser ce qui l'avait soudain ramenée à la réalité. Les caresses de King, partie s'aventurer dans des territoires jusque là inexplorés ? Ou peut être le fait qu'ainsi installée sur lui, she could feel him underneath her.

Oh damn! What's going on? Are we really doing this?


Les ramenant tous les deux brutalement à la réalité, Ivy se redressa soudain, les joues rouge tomate et le souffle court. Prenant conscience de la position dans laquelle elle se trouvait, elle s'empressa de s'écarter, tentant de retrouver ses esprits. sorry… je… temps mort… balbutia-t-elle face à ce pauvre King, qui ne devait rien comprendre.

@Kingsley Delarosa
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Kingsley Delarosa
Kingsley Delarosa
ADMIN ❖ roots before branches
▸INSCRIPTION : 03/03/2019
▸AVATAR : t holland / wcstedrose.
▸EMPLOI : writter

vyking » one kiss too many Empty
MessageSujet: Re: vyking » one kiss too many   vyking » one kiss too many EmptyJeu 12 Déc - 3:22

Temps mort. Les bras de Kingsley durent les premiers à réagir, s’élevant comme si on le pointait d’un fusil. Son visage, ses lèvres, mirent un peu plus de temps à capter, suivant la bouche d’Ivy alors qu’elle tentait de le fuir. Le reste, bien... Le reste était carrément hors de contrôle, se rebellant à chaque mouvement de la jolie brune, même si elle bougeait pour se retirer. That was the physical part. Mentalement, King était un peu dans la brume, comme s’il se réveillait soudainement d’un très beau rêve à cause d’une alarme imprévue. Le sourire le plus serré du monde s’installa sur le visage du petit.

Kingsley ne se posa pas de question. Ce genre de truc ne lui arrivait jamais. Habituellement, les choses étaient prévues à l’avance, ou il y avait un scénario plutôt prévisible. Date. Kiss kiss. And then.

This was very different.

Avec quelqu’un d’autre, il se serait excusé, serait parti et les auraient évité pour le reste de sa vie naturelle. Avec Ivy, ce n’était pas une option. Il ne voulait pas que ça n’en soit une. As awkward as it was, il allait devoir se poser des questions, lui poser des questions.

Pour la rassurer, parce qu’elle avait l’air un peu bouleversée, mais sans savoir quoi dire, il posa sa main dans le creux du dos de la mini Parker. you ok? de sa main libre, il se frotta l’oeil, comme pour de réveiller, pour de calmer aussi. Ralentir son rythme cardiaque. Ramener le sang aux endroits appropriés

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Ivy Parker
Ivy Parker
- to the oak creek we go -
▸INSCRIPTION : 09/05/2019
▸AVATAR : Zendaya Coleman (valtersen) sign by endlesslove
▸EMPLOI : La danse, elle en rêve. Elle y arrivera, elle doit y croire parce que de toute façon, elle ne s'imagine pas ailleurs que sur scène.

vyking » one kiss too many Empty
MessageSujet: Re: vyking » one kiss too many   vyking » one kiss too many EmptyJeu 12 Déc - 6:34

Why was she like this? Ugh. She felt so dumb. Elle n'osait même pas regarder King, assise sur le lit à ce qu'elle jugeait inconsciemment être une distance de sécurité. Enough to stop whatever was going to happen from happening. Why? Because she was dumb.

Elle y avait déjà pensé, depuis leur premier rendez-vous à Boston. Jamais avant. King was her best friend. He was off limits. She wouldn't even allow herself to imagine it. But now she kinda had to. And really, she wanted to. Part of her wanted to kiss him again, to go back to wherever they were doing and see where it would lead them, discover how it would feel to be held by him. The other part… Was freaking out. Because she was an idiot.

yeah I'm fine, le rassura-t-elle, évitant toujours soigneusement de croiser son regard. She was wearing funny socks.. They were a good distraction. Sort of. je… J'suis désolée. I don't know what happened I just… freaked out like an idiot. Did I mention she felt like an idiot already? Yes? Good.

@kingsley Delarosa
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Kingsley Delarosa
Kingsley Delarosa
ADMIN ❖ roots before branches
▸INSCRIPTION : 03/03/2019
▸AVATAR : t holland / wcstedrose.
▸EMPLOI : writter

vyking » one kiss too many Empty
MessageSujet: Re: vyking » one kiss too many   vyking » one kiss too many EmptyDim 15 Déc - 2:07

Yeah, she was not fine. Elle essayait peut-être d'être subtile et de cacher ses sentiments, mais King pouvait sentir l'anxiété bouillir sous la peau d'Ivy. Not an idiot. Le plus tendrement du monde, il caressa le bas du dos de la jeune femme, où il avait déjà sa main. Not an idiot. Kingsley répéta, se redressant. Ivy avait la tête dure, il fallait s'assurer qu'elle comprenne bien. Aussi, surtout, il ne savait pas trop quoi dire d'autre. Il ne voulait pas la pousser, d'un sens comme de l'autre. You know, I'm freak out a bit too. Il pouvait juste être honnête. Pour lui également, c'était des territoires inexplorés. Oui, il avait connu le puppy love avec Eli, il avait quelque part perdu sa virginité, puis eut bien d'autres premières fois, mais ça n'avait jamais été aussi... important. He was just waiting for the clothes to be off before losing it.

Ever since too old to bathe together, King thought he would go blind if he ever saw Ivy naked. It was a no go zone. Il avait beau essayer de raisonner avec son cerveau, cette idée ne lui sortait pas de la tête. Il allait devoir apprendre le braille. Maybe telling her would help, he thought. I know coming from me, it's a bit... ironic, but like, the desnudo thing. Like, we have rules, and we would be breaking the rules. We made the rules for reasons. You know? I feel like if we do break them, I don't know, you will go like "asshole, this was a test, you failed!" or our whole family will know right away and bust through the door to give us the stink eye. See? she wasn't the idiot. He was.

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Ivy Parker
Ivy Parker
- to the oak creek we go -
▸INSCRIPTION : 09/05/2019
▸AVATAR : Zendaya Coleman (valtersen) sign by endlesslove
▸EMPLOI : La danse, elle en rêve. Elle y arrivera, elle doit y croire parce que de toute façon, elle ne s'imagine pas ailleurs que sur scène.

vyking » one kiss too many Empty
MessageSujet: Re: vyking » one kiss too many   vyking » one kiss too many EmptyMer 18 Déc - 19:31

Was it normal to be relieved that your boyfriend was as freak out as your were at the idea of having sex? Because… she was. It did make her feels a little less stupid, even if their old unspoken rules weren’t the only reasons she was freaking out. At some point, they had friendzoned each other somehow.  They weren’t supposed to see each other naked. Best friends didn’t see each other naked.

C’est pas un test, si ça peut te rassurer. Ivy n’était pas du genre à jouer avec ces choses là, et encore moins quand ça risquerait de briser une amitié bien trop précieuse. Elle était à peu près sûre que leurs familles n’étaient pas non plus sur le point d’enfoncer la porte. Ca avait demandé de l’organisation, mais quand même réussi à s’aménager un peu temps tranquille. Ce n’était donc pas ce qui inquétait Ivy. The naked part isn’t the only reason I’m freaking out, tho… S’imaginer nue avec King ? Weird, definitely. But not her biggest problem. Ils étaient un couple. Et avant d’être un couple, ils étaient meilleurs amis. She should just talk about it, shouldn’t she ? Like he just did ? Assise sur le bord du lit, Ivy se replaça pour se mettre face à King, sans pour autant cesser d’éviter son regard. You’re just… so much more experienced than I am. I don’t mean it as a bad thing, you know I never judged you for that but… You’ve been with so many people and I’ve been with… one. Voilà. C’était dit. Si Ivy ne parlait jamais de sa vie amoureuse, et encore moins sexuelle, c’était d’une part parce que ce n’était pas son genre mais aussi… parce qu’elle n’en avait pas, à l’exception d’un écart de conduite avec son ex.

@kingsley Delarosa
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Kingsley Delarosa
Kingsley Delarosa
ADMIN ❖ roots before branches
▸INSCRIPTION : 03/03/2019
▸AVATAR : t holland / wcstedrose.
▸EMPLOI : writter

vyking » one kiss too many Empty
MessageSujet: Re: vyking » one kiss too many   vyking » one kiss too many EmptyJeu 19 Déc - 21:10

La présente conversation n'était pas des plus faciles ou des plus joyeuses, mais King ne pouvait pas s'empêcher d'enlacer Ivy, le sourire le plus con du monde accroché a visage. It wasn't a test. She liked him. Bien que le contraire aurait été surprenant, et plutôt cruel, avoir la confirmation des sentiments de la demoiselle était, bien, cool. Cool, il devait le rester, parce que les mots qu'ils échangeaient étaient important, et il n'était pas encore l'heure de faire la danse de la joie, bien qu'il l'aurait voulu. That's just how she made him feel.

De son côté, Ivy avait l'air toujours aussi troublée, alors, King, malgré la position assez inconfortable, la serra un peu plus fort.

She'd been with only one person.

If King had only just met her, he would have thought bullshit. Ivy was way too beautiful, she could have anyone she'd want. She surely had fun in college, met people walking down the street that just couldn't take their eyes away from her. But, King knew her. She was Ivy, got what she wanted, but didn't want a lot. Kinda shit at flirting too. So, she had only one.

Il prit un temps pour lui répondre, cherchant les bons mots, mais surtout, essayant de ne pas citer ses propres livres parce qu'il s'en savait trop capable. Il ne pouvait pas dire que ça n'avait pas d'importance - Clairement, ça en avait pour elle. Ça en aurait pour lui aussi. Il ne voulait pas non plus empirer les choses, ni la comparer avec les gens avec lesquels il avait été. Elle, puis ce qu'ils avaient, n'était pas comparable de toute façon. You know, with experience, people, the only thing you learn, really, is that you don't know shit. Ok, he might learn a new position here and there, discover some stuff he might like. Still, these things could be learned staying with the same person for ever, only a little imagination was needed. Everyone is different, likes different stuff, so every first time with someone really is like the first time. Yeah, you have a better idea of what you like, how your body reacts to certain things, but you can never predict the other person or what they will do. Peut-être qu'il empirait les choses. Il se voulait rassurant, il savait que lui, ça l'aurait rassuré back then, et il ne se serait pas cru pro après trois ou quatre coups. It's always a bit stressful, but then, you remember why you're doing it. For fun. To make someone feel good. To feel good yourself. To show someone how much you love them. Then, you forget everything. Mentalement, il se croisa les doigts, esperant avoir bien fait, parce que vraiment, il n'avait plus rien a donner.

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Ivy Parker
Ivy Parker
- to the oak creek we go -
▸INSCRIPTION : 09/05/2019
▸AVATAR : Zendaya Coleman (valtersen) sign by endlesslove
▸EMPLOI : La danse, elle en rêve. Elle y arrivera, elle doit y croire parce que de toute façon, elle ne s'imagine pas ailleurs que sur scène.

vyking » one kiss too many Empty
MessageSujet: Re: vyking » one kiss too many   vyking » one kiss too many EmptyMar 24 Déc - 13:22

Ivy had been judged for everything, back in Miami. She never mentioned it really, but bullying didn't stop when you left high school and everyday hadn't been fun. She'd made good friends though, and learned to not listen to everything people say. But the fact that she tried to not let it affect her didn't mean she didn't hear them. One day she was a nun because she hadn't been seen with a boy since she'd gotten there. The next, she was a tease, because she misread things and the guy didn't get what she wanted. Other times, she was a slut because the last guy she had went out with decided to lie to everyone because a date that didn't end up with sex would ruin his street cred.

It was all really dumb but it had still messed her up more than she realized. Elle avait parfois l'impression que quelque chose clochait chez elle.

C'était agréable de pouvoir aborder ce sujet avec King. Still awkward, but nice. Elle imaginait bien que son petit instant de panique le frustrait au moins autant qu'elle - the way his body had responded to hers was sending a pretty clear message, il en avait envie au moins autant qu'elle. But he wasn't mad. He just held her, and listened to her, and let her freak out and tried to reassure her instead of judging her for it. Il était même prêt à admettre que malgré toute son expérience, il était nerveux lui aussi. Ça n'empêchait pas Ivy de rougir, la sexualité n'était pas un sujet qu'elle avait l'habitude d'aborder aussi ouvertement, ou en tout cas pas la sienne. Par chance, blottie contre lui, elle était plutôt bien cachée. Et cachée, elle l'était toujours lorsque le mot "love" fit une brève apparition dans la conversation. Il avait été mentionné comme ça, en passant, blink and you'd miss it, et ça n'avait rien d'une déclaration enflammée. Malgré tout, Ivy était assez satisfaite de réaliser sur l'idée que leur amitié prenne finalement cette tournure ne lui semblait plus aussi étrange qu’au début. La preuve, lorsqu’elle interrompit leur étreinte pour déposer un baiser sur ses lèvres, it didn’t feel weird. It felt… natural. Thanks for not being an asshole about this. I know you’re not one but… it’s still nice to be able to talk about this. A ce qu’il paraît, la communication c’était important dans un couple, and ignoring the freak out and not talking about it certainly didn’t feel healthy. And… I do want it. She blushed so much admitting that, you could have turned off the lights and you could still see her face. Which I’m not really used to, to be completely honest. I just have to… get out of my own head and stop overthinking everything. Easier said than done, but they’d get there.

@kingsley delarosa
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Kingsley Delarosa
Kingsley Delarosa
ADMIN ❖ roots before branches
▸INSCRIPTION : 03/03/2019
▸AVATAR : t holland / wcstedrose.
▸EMPLOI : writter

vyking » one kiss too many Empty
MessageSujet: Re: vyking » one kiss too many   vyking » one kiss too many EmptyVen 27 Déc - 5:59

These were the times when being a boy were the hardest. Après l'avoir fuit, Ivy embrassait Kingsley. She spoke, saying she wanted it, if she only could get out of her head. Was it an invitation? Did she want him to help her with that? Because he surely had ideas, ways to make her forget about all her worries. But what if she was just saying she needed even more time, to figure stuff out by herself? What if he pushed a little, but ended up pushing too hard, pushing her away forever? Neither King, nor his body, knew how to react. In the end, his instincts took over. He just felt like it was time, and like they might not have an opportunity like this for a little while. So, he kissed her, just like she did, and he kissed her again, a little deeper. If she didn't want it, Ivy could always back out, he wouldn't force her, that wasn't his style.

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Ivy Parker
Ivy Parker
- to the oak creek we go -
▸INSCRIPTION : 09/05/2019
▸AVATAR : Zendaya Coleman (valtersen) sign by endlesslove
▸EMPLOI : La danse, elle en rêve. Elle y arrivera, elle doit y croire parce que de toute façon, elle ne s'imagine pas ailleurs que sur scène.

vyking » one kiss too many Empty
MessageSujet: Re: vyking » one kiss too many   vyking » one kiss too many EmptyLun 30 Déc - 15:58

She wanted it. There, she had said it. She wanted him. Them, together. Wanted more than the mostly innocent kissing and cuddling they had been doing to this day. Admitting it didn’t make her more nervous, but it was good that he knew, wasn’t it? Had she ruined the moment? It didn’t seem like it, because without saying a word, he kissed her again. And again. The first one was soft, just like the one she had given him a few seconds before. The second one? Not so much. It was deeper and quickly enough, it made her hungry for more.

Her mind was still spinning, but her body was taking over. She knew that dance, even though she hadn’t done it in a long time. She just had to stop thinking, and follow the music. Her hands, that had been resting innocently at her sides, got lost into his hair and, letting her instincts take control, she ended up sitting on his lap. Close, but not nearly enough. And with clearly way too much clothes on given where this was going. Should she say something? Because if so… she was failing miserably. She had no words. Instead, she guided his hands towards the hem of his shirt. She nodded slightly. A silent green light. She wasn’t stopping him this time - and none of their family members would bust through the door, thankfully.

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Kingsley Delarosa
Kingsley Delarosa
ADMIN ❖ roots before branches
▸INSCRIPTION : 03/03/2019
▸AVATAR : t holland / wcstedrose.
▸EMPLOI : writter

vyking » one kiss too many Empty
MessageSujet: Re: vyking » one kiss too many   vyking » one kiss too many EmptyLun 13 Jan - 13:11

With her mouth against his the way it was, and her body close to him like that, he could tell were they were heading. Still, King was surprised when her fingers made his reach for the hem of his shirt. She was ready, faster than he was. She was going for it, breaking the rules, and making sure they were doing it togheter. He paused for a second; There he was, the experienced one, anxious as hell, looking at her for comfort. He found warmth, a nod, a little push. So he did it, he braved the cold and he removed his shirt.

He wished he had done more abs work that day. He wished her skin was closer to his, so close they would melt into one another. Really, he just wanted to feel more of her. He did just that, by slipping his hand down her back, reaching anything he could reach, really, forcing her to come even closer to him. There is no going back; he thought, even if he tried all as he might not to think about it. Every step, every move they were making now was something new, something they could never undo. Cool thing was, his nose burried in her neck and his hands discovering untouched territories in her back, he was ok, with not going back. Really, he could see himself, with her, like that, for the rest of their life, just fine. Their friendship would still be there when they got out of bed, if they ever did. He laughed a bit at his own thought and at Ivy's hair tickeling his face so much that he had to take a step back.

She was beautiful, even more than usual. She was too beautiful, she made King feel like a virgin, made him forget what to do and how things worked. So, he did to her just what she did to him. He found her hands, and guided them to the hem of her shirt.

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Ivy Parker
Ivy Parker
- to the oak creek we go -
▸INSCRIPTION : 09/05/2019
▸AVATAR : Zendaya Coleman (valtersen) sign by endlesslove
▸EMPLOI : La danse, elle en rêve. Elle y arrivera, elle doit y croire parce que de toute façon, elle ne s'imagine pas ailleurs que sur scène.

vyking » one kiss too many Empty
MessageSujet: Re: vyking » one kiss too many   vyking » one kiss too many EmptyMer 22 Jan - 19:46

She was with King. On his bed. A shirtless King. It wasn’t her first time seeing him without a shirt, but it certainly was her first time doing so while also wanting to get rid of her own clothes, and his, until all that was left was her skin against hers. He didn’t give her time to process that, or be awkward about it. Instead, he pulled her towards him, until all that was left between them were her clothes. They didn’t keep him from exploring her back, though, slipping under her shirt while her own did the same, traveling up his shoulders, down back to unknown territories, enjoying the warmth of his skin under her fingertips. What’s so funny? she whispered, hearing him laughing softly down her neck.

She wasn’t the only one bothered by that fabric between them because soon enough, King guided her hands  the way she had done before. They could still go back. They couldn’t erase these new steps they had already taken, but they didn’t have to go any further. Except… She didn’t want to. So she grabbed the hem of her sweater - not her most sexy outfit, in all honestly, but King didn’t seem to mind - and pulled it off. Or tried to. Aouch! Somehow, her clumsy self had managed to get her curls tangled in a button, a button that was now trying to rip off half of her hair. It was a good way to distract herself from the fact that she was now half naked in front of King… But she could have done without this little faux-pas. That was hot, wasn’t it? she joked, letting out a shy little laugh once her sweater had landed where it belonged: on the bedroom floor.

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Kingsley Delarosa
Kingsley Delarosa
ADMIN ❖ roots before branches
▸INSCRIPTION : 03/03/2019
▸AVATAR : t holland / wcstedrose.
▸EMPLOI : writter

vyking » one kiss too many Empty
MessageSujet: Re: vyking » one kiss too many   vyking » one kiss too many EmptyJeu 20 Fév - 23:35

I'm just happy. Simply put, there was no other answer. King just felt good close to her; better than he had felt in a long time, in his whole life, maybe. She made him feel giddy, light headed, red in the face and hot in the veins, like his whole body was craving hers. It was tough, feeling fabric still in between them. He really wanted to rip them out and free her from her cloth prison, but he stopped himself. It had to be on her terms. So, Kinglsey watched Ivy, as she was deciding, praying she would soon end his suffering. She struggled to remove her sweater - King barely noticed. She laughed a little, but he didn't. Really, he was so busy admiring each new inch of skin she was uncovering that he had almost missed her difficulties. He wanted to stop the world from moving, the time from passing, just so he could stare at her forever. He did, in his mind, taking the most beautiful mental picture and cherishing it a long, long time. In reality, though, that itching to move came over him like a flash. yeah, it was. He couldn’t think of anything sexier than that, in all honesty. He was smitten, addicted, and she was, well, her. Beautiful, natural, silly Ivy. With the dumbest of smiles on his lips, he kissed her, again, again, and again, with tenderness, hunger, nervosity. After more movements, less clothes, Kinglsey made sure one last time that they were both ready, ok, sure, and the rest, well, was for them only.

His heart was beating fast, certainly faster than hers, at least, when he let himself fall onto the mattress, so close that he almost crushed her. He wrapped her in a tight hug, laying a quick kiss on her shoulder as he did so. Kingsley didn’t want to let go of her, of the moment just yet. It was special. Maybe not as special as it should have been, but he knew he would look back on this a lot, whatever happened after. First times are one time deals, even if the actions are repeated afterwards. You Ok? He didn’t want to ask, he didn’t want to break the silence, really, but he could still feel a little tension in her, and he cared. It hadn’t been his best performance, he knew that. The stress, the emotions mixed with the months of celibacy made it hard to concentrate a bit. Plus, there was the fact that she, well, only had one other before him, and if Kingsley’s calculations were right, it had been a while and things might not have been super comfortable down there. He felt a zap in his brain, sudden guilt overcoming him. Had he been gentle enough? Had he - He stopped himself from thinking anymore. She would tell him. He hugged a little tighter, like that would make her words come out faster, and because he really liked having her skin against his.

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