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 will / here comes the bride

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Christian McCoy
Christian McCoy
- to the oak creek we go -
▸INSCRIPTION : 07/11/2019
▸AVATAR : d. cameron / mistspell

will / here comes the bride Empty
MessageSujet: will / here comes the bride   will / here comes the bride EmptyLun 9 Déc - 19:00

Dear God, why do I always have to be the one sitting next to the fat people oon the airplane? I now carry their stench, their greasy sweat. I am disgusting. I am disgusted. faisant son chemin vers les arrivés, Christian s’aspergea, et aspergea les voisins, de trop de parfum senteur grand-mère. Pas vrai que son futur époux serait rappelé de la présence de glande sudoripare sous la peau de sa fiancée avant le mariage.

Arrivée à destination, Christian s’arreta, cherchant du regard des ballons, ou une pancarte portant son nom - comme dans les films, quoi
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Will McCoy
Will McCoy
- to the oak creek we go -
▸INSCRIPTION : 09/12/2019
▸AVATAR : Liam Hemsworth, Corleone.

will / here comes the bride Empty
MessageSujet: Re: will / here comes the bride   will / here comes the bride EmptyLun 9 Déc - 19:20

Hungover, Will a presque oublié qu'aujourd'hui was THE day. Ses amis ne savent pas que sa fiancée se prend pour une fleure délicate qu'il.ne faut pas toucher avant le mariage. But Will already feels his balls getting blue. Maybe their the something blue for the wedding. 

Grâce au retard de l'avion, Christian will never know he was late. Réveillé merci à l'adrénaline. Des fleurs en main cause girls like those thing destinées à mourir.  

Quand il l'a vu il savait déjà qu'elle aurait préférée quelque chose d'original. 

Hello beautiful Deux mots lancé parce que ils se connaissent à peine et qu'ils n'a toujours pas de surnom pour sa fiancé. Lui prenant la valise des mains il hésite avant de poser un baiser sur sa joue. Sachant toujours pas what he should have done or said. 

@Christian Cole
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Christian McCoy
Christian McCoy
- to the oak creek we go -
▸INSCRIPTION : 07/11/2019
▸AVATAR : d. cameron / mistspell

will / here comes the bride Empty
MessageSujet: Re: will / here comes the bride   will / here comes the bride EmptyMar 10 Déc - 3:03

BAHBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!! Il a les mains pleines, elle a un bisou sur la joue. Plus petite que lui (parce qu'ils sont un couple normal et respectable, suivant les normes prescrites par l'hétéronormativité), Christian s'élève sur le bout de ses orteils, entourant le cou de son fiancé de ses bras. L'amour fou. Le nez fourré dans son col, elle pouvait bien sentir les effluves masculines de l'alcoolisme collégien. This was ok because people drank in the bible.

Les lèvres collantes de gloss, elle déposa un baiser rapide tout près de l'oreille de son futur mari, juste pour laisser sa marque. Plus tard, elle parfumerait ses vêtements, juste pour être certaine que les sluts des environs comprennent le message. Désolée de t'avoir fait attendre muffin. Y'AVAIT DES GROS SUR L'AVION ET ILS NOUS ON FAIT PRENDRE DU RETARD. De ses yeux, elle pointa vers la famille, peut-être un peu ronde, qui jasait plus loin. Ils avaient pas assez de ceintures pour obèses. Comme s'ils en avaient besoin. Les poids lourds ça bouge pas.

@will mccoy
i want to kill her Smile
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Will McCoy
Will McCoy
- to the oak creek we go -
▸INSCRIPTION : 09/12/2019
▸AVATAR : Liam Hemsworth, Corleone.

will / here comes the bride Empty
MessageSujet: Re: will / here comes the bride   will / here comes the bride EmptyMar 10 Déc - 20:09

Mais dans quoi Will s’embarquait? C’est une chose de penser de la sorte, mais de le dire hautement et pointer du doigt some strangers... What the fuck? Will suddendly saw what his dad saw in her. Réagissant vite, sa main alla chercher celle qui jugeait gratuitement une famille plus loin. Tournant Christian pour l’étourdir un peu espérant qu’elle se taise avant de l'enlacer.
Ça arrive ma jolie, tu étais pas pilote je ne peux pas te blâmer. Le pilot n’est pas coupable non plus, mais bon William cherchait à enlever la responsabilité au passager encore moins responsable de la route. Tu dois être affamé, on va dîner quelque part? Il y avait plusieurs restaurants dans l’aéroport, mais ils sont à Boston, les options sont infinies.
Entendant son père lui dire de faire plus d’effort au fond de son crâne, Will cherchait ce que Christian voudrait entendre. I missed you. J’ai hâte de te faire découvrir Concord. Concord était son échappatoir adolescent et là, he was trapped.
@Christian Cole
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Christian McCoy
Christian McCoy
- to the oak creek we go -
▸INSCRIPTION : 07/11/2019
▸AVATAR : d. cameron / mistspell

will / here comes the bride Empty
MessageSujet: Re: will / here comes the bride   will / here comes the bride EmptyMer 11 Déc - 0:58

Sans effort ni avertissement, il la prit et la fit virevolter, avant de l'enlacer. Un peu étourdie, Christian se fourra le nez dans le tee-shirt de son futur mari. Elle avait la nausée; C'est ça, l'amour?

Une pensée éphémère. Parce que Will parlait de manger, et que la blonde était incapable de sentiments profonds.

Ugh, William. Elle posa le menton sur le torse de son interlocuteur, roulant les yeux. Je viens de passer des heures avec des tas de gras. I'm not eating. Légèrement, elle pinça les lèvres. In fact, I'm not eating for a while. I'm on a diet. I don't want to become a fucking fatass that doesn't fit in her wedding dress and is a pain to the entire society. Vivre d'amour et d'eau fraiche, ou dans le cas qui nous occupe, crever parce que c'est un mariage arrangé et que le gras de tes seins est en vérité une formule saline. J'ai hâte de voir Concord par contre - le old north bridge, notre première victoire contre les putains d'anglais.

@will mccoy
i want to kill her Smile (again)
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Will McCoy
Will McCoy
- to the oak creek we go -
▸INSCRIPTION : 09/12/2019
▸AVATAR : Liam Hemsworth, Corleone.

will / here comes the bride Empty
MessageSujet: Re: will / here comes the bride   will / here comes the bride EmptyJeu 12 Déc - 20:05

Le fiancé ne parvint pas a retenir le soupir qui l’habitait. Faire des efforts, fine… Shut up when she’s mean. Easy, Daddy trained him to forget he had (blue) balls. MAIS NOT EATING. WTF (wtf being the main thought in Will’s brain I think) Bah j’ai faim, je vais attraper quelque chose avant de sortir de l’ici.
A shitty muffin from a coffee stand would have to be enough. Blah would describe the state perfectly.
They were out in the world. Hand in hand. In the same state. What will they do? Depuis leur premier engagement, ils communiquaient surtout par SMS. Vivant leur vie bien separe.
Parlant après avoir mastiquer longtemps to enjoy the silence. La bouche vide pour être polie. Si le vol t’a trop épuisée, je peux te déposer à l’hotel and you you the bridge later. Or never really. He did not care about the historical aspect of anything.
Was he trying to already get rid of her? Maybe, mais la route et le trafic, ils en avaient pour longtemps dans la voiture tete a tete. Oulala.
@Christian Cole
(we all want her dead)
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Christian McCoy
Christian McCoy
- to the oak creek we go -
▸INSCRIPTION : 07/11/2019
▸AVATAR : d. cameron / mistspell

will / here comes the bride Empty
MessageSujet: Re: will / here comes the bride   will / here comes the bride EmptyMer 18 Déc - 20:02

Christian Faith Cole ne prennait pas le nom de son Dieu en vain, mais voilà que Will la poussait au vice. God. Il la contredisait, sans cesse. Certes, une femme devait se plier aux décisions de son mari et le suivre de façon passive, mais il n'était pas encore son mari. C'était encore le temps de le changer, de le mettre à sa main. She was still allowed to speak up. William. Muffins are cakes disguised by the devil as healthy to make you fat. Gluttony is a sin. With that, she grabbed his muffin, mushing it in between her fingers, before throwing it on the ground. Some poor mexican would clean it up, or a fatass hungry enough to bendover would lick the floor sqeaky clean. Je ne suis pas fatiguée. You won't get rid of me. You will now take us to church. We CLEARLY need the word of God. Elle le fixait, le défiant de dire non. S'il le faisait, pas de problème. Elle criait au viol, comme les snow flakes de metwo.

@will mccoy
i want to kill her Smile (again) (and again)
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Will McCoy
Will McCoy
- to the oak creek we go -
▸INSCRIPTION : 09/12/2019
▸AVATAR : Liam Hemsworth, Corleone.

will / here comes the bride Empty
MessageSujet: Re: will / here comes the bride   will / here comes the bride EmptyLun 23 Déc - 10:47

Karma is a bitch. Ou plutôt. Elle fait fucking bien les choses. Will, le petit idiot qui laisse son papa ramasser ses dégâts has to do one thing for him. Marier une fille qu’il aime pas. The more she spoke, the more he thought he actually hated her. God asks people do be real jerk now a day? I don’t know… But she was a bitch. His karma.
La tête basse à regarder son muffin gaspiller. “Wouldn’t your fucking Lord dislike waste?” Was all he wanted to say. Instead, il acquiesce de la tête. Youpiiii, Church. Au moins, là bas, elle va arrêter de parler peut-être.
J’essaie pas de me débarrasser de toi, I think about your needs. Tu es ma fiancée après tout. Plus besoin de nourriture, he would throw up after that line. Ouvrant la porte de sa voiture garée illégalement près de l’entrée cause people from the Church she’s from are probably too good for walking.
To Church we go. Or to the the longest drive of all time for Will.
@Christian Cole
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Christian McCoy
Christian McCoy
- to the oak creek we go -
▸INSCRIPTION : 07/11/2019
▸AVATAR : d. cameron / mistspell

will / here comes the bride Empty
MessageSujet: Re: will / here comes the bride   will / here comes the bride EmptySam 28 Déc - 1:55

Yes, i am your soon to be wife. Le suivant tel qu'il est prescrit dans la bible, elle prit place dans la voiture. He could have had it clean better. Lucky for him, Christian had always had a talent for hiring maids that would work like dogs for cheap : Just gotta take a couple of illegal immigrants and treaten them with deportation once in a while. God Bless modern day slavery. So, babe. La voiture maintenant en route, il était clairement le temps idéal pour parler de leur mariage. Will ne fuierait pas une automobile en déplacement, the guy might have looked tough but Christian new that he was a coward; That's why she'd taken him back, afterall. Your parents booked the church for the first week of June, so we only have six months to prepare. Did you find your groomsmen yet? You need at least six. They needed to be approved, and matched with an appropriate bridesmaid. To Christian, this was in important task, the only one she'd given her future husband.
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Will McCoy
Will McCoy
- to the oak creek we go -
▸INSCRIPTION : 09/12/2019
▸AVATAR : Liam Hemsworth, Corleone.

will / here comes the bride Empty
MessageSujet: Re: will / here comes the bride   will / here comes the bride EmptyDim 29 Déc - 20:30

It was a cold day, mais pris dans cette voiture avec Christian comme seul passager. Damn, il faisait chaud. No because she was hot. (Will thought she was, she was just hiding under a coat, no boobs to watch) She was stressing him out. He could see ses yeux jugeaient sa voiture pas mal propre contrairement à ses habitudes. Something was on her mind. The bomb was ticking….
Elle a explosé dans le véhicule qui roulait toujours malheureusement. Will could not escape. Sa voix s’était rendu aux oreilles du blond. Le mariage arrivait dans six mois. Au moins six? Really? No balls, but this was shocking. Will had more than six friends. But fake ones, the ones that came around for booze and fun. I’ll text the boys then. His harvard friends, the frat boys avaient su hâte à sa dernière nuit de liberté.
How many guest do you plan to invite? The less the better. Let’s just say, Will don’t want to lie in front of the whole town.
@Christian Cole
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Christian McCoy
Christian McCoy
- to the oak creek we go -
▸INSCRIPTION : 07/11/2019
▸AVATAR : d. cameron / mistspell

will / here comes the bride Empty
MessageSujet: Re: will / here comes the bride   will / here comes the bride EmptyVen 10 Jan - 19:38

William McCoy était peut-être un homme dur d'oreille. Un malentendant. Christian n'en aurait pas été surprise, comme la masturbation rend sourd. Yes, six. I don't want us to look like we have no friends on our wedding pictures. Elle fouilla quelques instants dans son sac à main géant, à la recherche d'un gloss. Elle ne pouvait pas se présenter dans une nouvelle église en ayant l'air d'une pauvre pauvre pécheresse moche. Elle devait avoir l'air d'une riche pécheresse donnant envie au pasteur de commettre un pécher mortel. That was tradition. No one, really. My parents. My sister. Our dads are making the guest list. She didn't care who was there anyway. As long as she was getting a ring, pleasing the lord and getting that cherry popped.
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Will McCoy
Will McCoy
- to the oak creek we go -
▸INSCRIPTION : 09/12/2019
▸AVATAR : Liam Hemsworth, Corleone.

will / here comes the bride Empty
MessageSujet: Re: will / here comes the bride   will / here comes the bride EmptyDim 12 Jan - 20:25

Will devait se concentrer sur la route. Speaking wedding made him nauseous. La salive commençait à s’accumuler dans sa bouche et il l’avala difficilement quand dads where mentioned.
My dad booked the country club for the reception. Ew. He knows he is talking wedding stuff already. Kill him now. Ses invités seront surement tous des politiciens ennuyeux. Yeah….
My mom wanted me to tell you she can go with you dress shopping if you need. La mère de Will was… Better than his dad? Plus agréable en tout cas. I guess she knows what it’s like to be in Christian shoes. She doesn’t have much people here, so she offered her support. Will would appreciate if she’d support her own son, but he made enough horrible decisions for her to give up on him too I guess.
@Christian Cole
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Christian McCoy
Christian McCoy
- to the oak creek we go -
▸INSCRIPTION : 07/11/2019
▸AVATAR : d. cameron / mistspell

will / here comes the bride Empty
MessageSujet: Re: will / here comes the bride   will / here comes the bride EmptyJeu 6 Fév - 4:52

You need to be more respectful. These guests are important; They could make your career. Plus, rich people always brought great gifts that could be sold on ebay for a quick buck while your stupid fiancé finishes his degree. Ugh. Christian couldn't wait for him to be done; Being with a old ass frat boy wasn't her thing. She was promised to an harvard man, after all. Sure. My slutty mom won't be coming to the fitting anyway. She didn't say it, or act like it, but she was very glad to know she would have a mom, even if it wasn't her own, dress shopping with her. It was something to do with your band of women, and Christian had never had that.
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Will McCoy
Will McCoy
- to the oak creek we go -
▸INSCRIPTION : 09/12/2019
▸AVATAR : Liam Hemsworth, Corleone.

will / here comes the bride Empty
MessageSujet: Re: will / here comes the bride   will / here comes the bride EmptyMar 11 Fév - 20:27

“You need to be more respectful. These guests are important; They could make your career. ” Will was feeling sick. Hearing Christian say exactly want his dad would have said. EW. He was marrying his bad. Double EW.
Lucky for him, they were pulling into the church parking. Triple EW. But for once, he was happy he’d get out of his car.
She was telling him to be respectful and yet, the next second she was calling her own mother a slut. Was she hearing herself? Anyhow, Will opened the car door, breathing fresh air. Not locked in a car with his future wife.
Man, he’s in deep shit. He could have said something, but what? So he just took the devil’s hand and entered the home of baby jesus wandering if she’d burn in place like in movies. Nop. Where do you wanna sit?
@Christian Cole
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Christian McCoy
Christian McCoy
- to the oak creek we go -
▸INSCRIPTION : 07/11/2019
▸AVATAR : d. cameron / mistspell

will / here comes the bride Empty
MessageSujet: Re: will / here comes the bride   will / here comes the bride EmptyJeu 5 Mar - 0:22

William was acting like he'd never been in a church in his life. The place was empty. There was no service. They weren't there to sit. Knowing the lambs of God sometimes had to guide each other through the devilish prairies, Christian took his hand, and the lead, finding the office of the holy place. She didn't have to look long for it; She didn't even have to ask who was in charge when they got there. It was pretty obvious, and so was her sigh when she saw him. William's choice of church was pretty poor. He had chosen one of those places with a false prophet wearing leather pants. Christian dug her nails into her fiancé's palm. We're sorry, we thought this was an actual church. As fast as they had gotten in the office, they were out. Why would you bring me to a sodomite church? You come here often? You're a fag? Christian looked into Will's eyes with all the rage in the world. She needed to know - this was no laughing matter.
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Will McCoy
Will McCoy
- to the oak creek we go -
▸INSCRIPTION : 09/12/2019
▸AVATAR : Liam Hemsworth, Corleone.

will / here comes the bride Empty
MessageSujet: Re: will / here comes the bride   will / here comes the bride EmptyLun 9 Mar - 19:05

Was this real? Words were coming out of her mouth. They got to his hears, but he kinda wish he was having a stroke or something. He was really marrying her? In this church, he almost wanted to try to pray this God he didn’t believe in to see if he’d get him out of this mess. What was the point of being a christian other than excusing your brat attitude with quotation of a stupid book that wasn’t written by god or his son? You’re kidding right? He had nothing against gays, maybe marrying one would be easier than putting a ring on her finger really. This is a christian church. What more do you want? This wasn’t Will’s ball growing back in his pants. This was Will not understanding what the fuck was wrong with her brain. He was used to being control by his dad, he was used to rude judgement towards him. But today, she wasn’t just mean to him, she had already judge people for being fat, a freaking priest and now homosexuals. He could see she was getting even more upset, he’d be lying if this didn’t turn him on. Idiot.
@Christian Cole
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Christian McCoy
Christian McCoy
- to the oak creek we go -
▸INSCRIPTION : 07/11/2019
▸AVATAR : d. cameron / mistspell

will / here comes the bride Empty
MessageSujet: Re: will / here comes the bride   will / here comes the bride EmptyJeu 16 Avr - 3:32

A Christian Church. Because all churches were the same. Really, she should have been happy that Willy had chosen this one - He could have brought her to a mosque full of arabs, where she would probably would have been killed by angry terrorists. What do i want? Maybe the improved version of you i was promised. Her dad, and his, had told her he was good now, God approved and all. He would lead her into a good, God filled marriage, and her parents would get a pretty penny for giving their best daughter away. But was her eternal soul worth so little? That dude would probably think the bible copied Pinocchio when showed the story of Jonah and the whale. I should call your father for this.
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Will McCoy
Will McCoy
- to the oak creek we go -
▸INSCRIPTION : 09/12/2019
▸AVATAR : Liam Hemsworth, Corleone.

will / here comes the bride Empty
MessageSujet: Re: will / here comes the bride   will / here comes the bride EmptyMar 28 Avr - 22:02

William Idiot McCoy was regretting jail right now. He wouldn’t survive there for long, but if his daddy didn’t come save the day, maybe he wouldn’t be there. In the parking lot of a stupid church in front of a pretty cute blonde using his dad’s promises on him.
Concord was the place he used to have a little bit of space. But right now he didn’t know if it was his dad, hers or Jesus’ that was grabbing him by the bluest of balls. He was upset. But he agreed to this stupid shit show. Call him. Maybe he has advice on how to lower your expectation when it comes to me. Smiling so he wouldn’t scream. He mainly wanted to scream at himself. It’s all on him. Going back to the car opening her door like a god approved boyfriend would do. Dropping her off at an hotel because ladies don’t sleep in the same room of an unmarried man. His balls were indeed blue, but hey there are worst thing in life. He almost killed someone and even if he didn’t believe in god, he somehow knew life would make sure he’d pay a well deserved price.
@Christian Cole
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Christian McCoy
Christian McCoy
- to the oak creek we go -
▸INSCRIPTION : 07/11/2019
▸AVATAR : d. cameron / mistspell

will / here comes the bride Empty
MessageSujet: Re: will / here comes the bride   will / here comes the bride EmptyMer 3 Juin - 0:16

For all she knew, he was still fornicating with black girls. They were easy on the eye and easy to get in bed. Especially made by the devil to test the will of men. For all she knew, he hadn't apologized to God for straying away in such a despicable way. Maybe he hadn't changed at all. Maybe he didn't care to. But then again, maybe she'd be the key to his redemption. Maybe that was God's plan.

Christian's hand had found her phone in her purse, but she let it go.

William, she decided, was like a slab of clay needing to be molded. He just needed a little push, here and there, to make him the perfect man. Worst case scenario, she'd have a good looking husband, pretty babies, and beautiful christmas cards pictures.

I won't. I just believe you can be better. She looked at him, trying to seem tender, true - or something close to it. Coles weren't known for their puppy eyes. We're both tired. We should go home and... get to know eachother? A simple trick, a carrot in front of a horse. She had to bring him to the water to make him drink her special kool aid
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