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 eliott » new decade

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Kingsley Delarosa
Kingsley Delarosa
ADMIN ❖ roots before branches
▸INSCRIPTION : 03/03/2019
▸AVATAR : t holland / wcstedrose.
▸EMPLOI : writter

thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade Empty
MessageSujet: eliott » new decade   thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade EmptySam 21 Déc - 23:27

Ils avaient été ensemble, puis pas, puis encore, pendant des années. Ils avaient été amoureux, confidents, ennemis, amants, et avec le temps avaient réussit à construire une réelle amitié. Les sentiments, et plus tard, l'attirance c'étaient dissipés. Ils n'avaient plus de comptes à se rendre, s'ils n'en avaient pas envie, mais King était loyal comme un chien. Il devait lui dire. Il savait bien qu'Eliott avait redouté la possibilité que lui et Ivy aient leurs petits secrets tout au long de leur relation. Lui cacher aujourd'hui, malgré le temps et leur lien différent, ça sonnait toujours comme une trahison aux oreilles de King. Ça ferait mal, peut-être qu'elle en aurait rien a faire, ou qu'elle serait heureuse, il ne savait pas trop, mais ça devait sortir. Il ne voulait plus de secrets sous son toit. Il voulait donner des bisous a son amoureuse les lundis, même si Eli était à la maison. Kingsley se rendit donc dans le studio, où il était à peu près certain de trouver la plus petite des colocataires. You never take a break? Gagné. Elle était là. Un peu mal à l'aise, King fourra ses mains profond dans les poches de son pantalon ouaté. Il avait beau être bi, les coming outs, c'était pas son truc. Il était plutôt du genre à confronter les gens à l'évidence. La confrontation, c'était justement ce qu'il essayait d'éviter. Il allait devoir utiliser ses mots. Got time to talk? No one died I promise.

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Eliott Patenaude
Eliott Patenaude
- to the oak creek we go -
▸INSCRIPTION : 23/05/2019
▸AVATAR : ariana, smmg.
▸EMPLOI : ballerine pour boston ballet depuis un ans.

thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade Empty
MessageSujet: Re: eliott » new decade   thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade EmptyDim 22 Déc - 4:00

Mondays were rest day. Un jour de détente. No alarm clock à arrêter. Casse noisette hantait pourtant Eli à en sortir du lit aussitôt que le soleil peut être même avant. Elle voulait qu'une chose. Du Nutella. Pas de rôties. Pas de pommes tranchées à tremper dedans comme un substitut de fondu. Nop. Que le foutu beurre de noisette au chocolat et une cuillère. Personne de devait en être témoin et avec l'invasion d'Australien fallait le faire succomber à une heure stratégique. 
Vingt-trois décembre. Encore cinq spectacles. Après, elle ne voudrait pas voir aucune sorte de noix for a while. 
Lizzo résonnait dans le studio de danse de la maison. I'm a thick bitch, I need tempo. Dansant quand même la chorégraphie du mois de décembre. C'était sur l'air de Tempo que Eli se pratiquait depuis le crime. Fallait qu'elle transpire jusqu'à  en sentir le cacao. Elle avait succombé. Trois tablespoon in. Trois-cent calories. 
In her mind, she was a thick bitch in need of cardio. Lost dans la chorégraphie. Elle n'avait pas entendu King entrer. Lizzo ne parvenait pas vraiment à ses oreilles non plus. À un peu plus de vingt spectacle in all you hear day and night c'est le Swan Lake. 
No one died Good. Alors elle voulait lui demander si ça pouvait attendre. Clearly not. Eli essayait de devenir une bonne amie. Être présente et écouter quand King avait besoin en faisait partie. 
À la place, elle fit taire la chanteuse et s'installa au sol pour s'étirer en discutant. Refusant à ses pieds d'enlever ses pointes. What's up mon choux? Fallait reprendre la séance après si elle voulait rentrer dans son costume le lendemain.
@Kingsley Delarosa
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Kingsley Delarosa
Kingsley Delarosa
ADMIN ❖ roots before branches
▸INSCRIPTION : 03/03/2019
▸AVATAR : t holland / wcstedrose.
▸EMPLOI : writter

thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade Empty
MessageSujet: Re: eliott » new decade   thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade EmptyDim 22 Déc - 19:17

Après des années à s'entrainer ensemble, c'était devenu un automatisme; Voyant Eli s'installer et débuter une série d'étirements, Kingsley fit pareil. Il n'avait aucune intention de danser, mais il se disait que ça ne pouvait pas faire de mal. Après tout, ses muscles étaient tendus comme jamais, clairement pas fans du stress. Yeah, hum... La jambe droite, il tenta d'attraper son pied sans fléchir le genoux. Il rata son premier essai, mais réussit au second. Il se concentrait là dessus, pour éviter de se perdre dans la tornade qui ravageait son cerveau. King, il avait jamais été doué pour parler. So, basically, I've kinda - I mean, I have - been having new feelings, that weren't there before, like in the last year or so, for someone, for Ivy. Il tira un peu sur son orteil, voulant garder son esprit fixé, et éviter de voir la réaction d'Eli. Les sentiments qu'il ressentait, lui-même, à ce moment-là, étaient assez difficiles à décrire. Il voulait être soulagé, mais il avait aussi l'impression d'être un trou d'cul. So, we've been exploring that, I guess, since October. Petit, King avait été un enfant sensible, facile à faire pleurer. Il croyait avoir grandit, mais visiblement pas tant que ça. Une boule, lentement, se formait dans sa gorge, bloquant la sortie de certaines syllabes. I just wanted you to be the first to know. Because I know. And because I love you. Il lâcha finalement sa jambe, de peur de s'étirer un muscle, une fois de plus. Somehow, he didn't feel better, even if the secret was out. He needed her approval, he guessed.

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Eliott Patenaude
Eliott Patenaude
- to the oak creek we go -
▸INSCRIPTION : 23/05/2019
▸AVATAR : ariana, smmg.
▸EMPLOI : ballerine pour boston ballet depuis un ans.

thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade Empty
MessageSujet: Re: eliott » new decade   thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade EmptyLun 23 Déc - 10:39

Eliott was having flashbacks. Sitting on the floor with him. S’étirer à deux cause they were #thecutestballetduoever. Elle s’ennuyait plus du temps où ils dansaient ensemble soudainement. They were great at dancing. On peut leur donner au moins ça. Le reste was messy. La ballerine se retenait pour rappeler à King qu’avant il pouvait aller beaucoup plus loin pour l’agacé cause he looked nervous.
“DID HE FOUND MY DOG????” was Eli’s thoughts. Et quand il s’explique. Avant même qu’il finisse sa phrase. Son coeur panique. “FUCK PLEASE TELL ME ITS NOT ME.” It wasn’t. Thank god! It was Ivy. “Wait what?” Son corps continuait de bouger comme si l’étirement en soit était une routine. Elle le faisait tellement souvent.
King avait réussi. Eli ne parlait plus. Le laissant continuer, she had no words. Son cerveau faisait des connexions. Closed doors that used to be wide open. Not wanting her to come pick up the tree. THE MUSICAL. Sure she had to work… But she didn’t think that far.
Since October?! So… you’ve been exploring, all by yourself? “Eli, be a good friend, remember you’re trying to be supportive criss.”
Reminds me of my coming out. Idiote. But she had no words. Him telling her he loves her. Elle avait réussi à le faire rire (après un regard exaspéré). Mission accompli. Good friends make eachother laugh. I love you too. Pas de la même façon que tu aimes Ivy, obviiiiiiii.
Stopping her stretching. I’m nervous, do I have to move out? Making it all about her. Like the Queen that she was. Now she wanted more nutella damn it. She hate it all. (She lied earlier, more that tree spoon got in her mouth.)
@Kingsley Delarosa
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Kingsley Delarosa
Kingsley Delarosa
ADMIN ❖ roots before branches
▸INSCRIPTION : 03/03/2019
▸AVATAR : t holland / wcstedrose.
▸EMPLOI : writter

thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade Empty
MessageSujet: Re: eliott » new decade   thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade EmptyJeu 26 Déc - 5:09

Kingsley observait Eliott pour pouvoir décoder sa réaction. Dans ses yeux, il pouvait voir la gymnastique mentale, les émotions qui se bousculaient à la sortie. Finalement - rien. Même attitude qu'avant. King se mordit un peu l'intérieur de la lèvre, pendant qu'Eli parlait de déménagement.

Dans la tête du petit bonhomme, ça sentait le brûlé. Eli avait donné une non-réaction et avait changé de sujet. Kingsley avait été avec elle assez longtemps pour savoir que ça n'était pas toujours mauvais présage. Everything is fiiiine she would say. When really she was mad as hell. De quoi rendre un jeune homme anxieux. Mais une non-réaction pouvait aussi être positive. Il l'avait vu quelques fois. Yes, that's ok... When she really liked, loved an idea but needed time to get used to it. À toutes les fois, une non-réaction était un pari à prendre. King had never had been a gambling man. He would only bet on stuff he had real faith in, or safe odds.

Why would you need to move out? Il fit craquer ses orteils, pour sentir et centrer son corps dans la réalité. Also, you're really ok with this or you're just... Eli ok? And of course i'm not exploring all by myself, Ivy is kinda there to help out, that's kinda the point of dating, I think. Il devait recentrer Eli sur la conversation aussi, avant qu'elle décide de faire ses boîtes et de déménager.

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Eliott Patenaude
Eliott Patenaude
- to the oak creek we go -
▸INSCRIPTION : 23/05/2019
▸AVATAR : ariana, smmg.
▸EMPLOI : ballerine pour boston ballet depuis un ans.

thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade Empty
MessageSujet: Re: eliott » new decade   thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade EmptyVen 27 Déc - 15:13

Maybe Eli’s brain was slower than usual because of all the nutcracker shows or who knows what. She’d all the nutella she had qui avait envahi sa cervelle rendant ses neurones collantes d’huile de palme. I don’t know, mais la conversation continuait, and slowly her face was reacting. Opening her mouth widely. She wanted to be a nice friend but this was huge news.
King was asking if she was ok, maybe her face was starting to say something else. Was she ok? She doesn’t know. I don’t know. Maybe? Why wouldn’t I be ok? “Cause he was your ex? Because Ivy was sleeping with her ex? Cause she’d would forever be the third wheel in this house? You’re not just exploring. You’re dating. Right now? Right now. You have a girlfriend and she’s Ivy.
Eli got up, she needed to move. Going to the barre pour continuer les exercices de Ballet qu’elle faisait depuis qu’elle marchait. I’m ok. It’s not like anything I say would change a thing anyways. Pas que je changerais quoi que ce soit. I just want you both happy. That’s what friends want right?
@Kingsley Delarosa
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Kingsley Delarosa
Kingsley Delarosa
ADMIN ❖ roots before branches
▸INSCRIPTION : 03/03/2019
▸AVATAR : t holland / wcstedrose.
▸EMPLOI : writter

thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade Empty
MessageSujet: Re: eliott » new decade   thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade EmptyMar 7 Jan - 21:19

Eliott avait vraiment de la chance de préférer les filles, King se dit. Not even the smartest man in the world would ever be able to decode her. She needed a female brained individual, since her mouth was saying a thing and her body the opposite. Comme c'était une situation plutôt délicate, Kingley s'essaya tout de même à deviner les vrais sentiments de son ex - Elle avait pas trop l'air contente, et lui avait tendance à arrondir les émotions des gens vers ce qui le rendait le plus anxieux. Alors, il décida qu'Eliott Patenaude était pissed off.

He kinda wish he hadn't cracked his toes yet, because he wanted to do it again. He did his tumbs instead. I mean, I don't know if she's like, my girlfriend, i didn't ask. It wasn't too far fetched, kind of implied with all the kissing they had been doing, but nothing had been said outloud yet. He liked the idea very much, though. Gave him little butterflies and stuff. You're allowed to have feelings you know. god knows he had a lot of these.

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Eliott Patenaude
Eliott Patenaude
- to the oak creek we go -
▸INSCRIPTION : 23/05/2019
▸AVATAR : ariana, smmg.
▸EMPLOI : ballerine pour boston ballet depuis un ans.

thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade Empty
MessageSujet: Re: eliott » new decade   thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade EmptyDim 12 Jan - 17:45

It happened a lot. Maybe because she’s not “le pingouin qui glisse le plus loin”. Or because she was just being Eli like people like to tell her even if it annoys the hell out of her, but Eliott Patenaude was confused. She really wanted to be a good friend. She had no intention on trying to get back together with her ex and knew he had no feeling left for her. Most of the time, elle croyait qu’il lui parlait mostly par pitié so nothing strong to built a relationship on.
She wouldn’t even try to tell Ivy she broke the girl code. So if she was being a good friend, what did he meant by "you're allowed to have feelings you know".
She really needed to burn calories right now, alors continuer de bouger was her best option here.
King n’aidait pas sa confusion. What do you want me to say? Sliding her foot on the floor back and forth practicing tendues. I’m happy for you really. She said again, even though her voice didn’t sound happy. She doesn’t seem like the type of girl to have casual sex, you’re probably dating. Était-il là pour vider son sac? Poser des questions? WHAT DOES HE WANT!!?? Eli still confused just continue moving next to the barre hoping maybe it would make the awkwardness fade away.
@Kingsley Delarosa
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Kingsley Delarosa
Kingsley Delarosa
ADMIN ❖ roots before branches
▸INSCRIPTION : 03/03/2019
▸AVATAR : t holland / wcstedrose.
▸EMPLOI : writter

thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade Empty
MessageSujet: Re: eliott » new decade   thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade EmptyJeu 6 Fév - 0:48

everyone is happy then. He said, not believing it at all. Si Eli se disait heureuse, même avec cette tête là, il n'avait pas le choix de la croire. She was trying. She wanted to be a good friend even if she wasn't super trilled. King knew probbing her further wouldn't bring anything good, so he stopped - He was too busy hidding his red ears anyway. Eli was talking about Ivy and about casual sex; Two words that didn't really belonged in the same sentence. Yeah, no, i can confirm that. He really did not want to talk about it, it probably wasn't the time, the place, nor the right person to blab to, but... maybe? He'd promise himself he would not kiss and tell, ever, but Eli was a friend andddd I think, she has like, i don't know. She's... more than shy, it's like she's scared of, you know, sex stuff. It really felt like walking on eggshells; King didn't know if one word would be too much and make little patenaude explode and start screaming his couple problems to the world. I mean, it's been two months and we did it once. it was very not casual. Much stress. I know my mind is making it even worse because it's been weeks and nothing, but, we talk about it and she says it's fine... I just always thought we didn't speak of that subject because we were friends and just that, and we wanted a clear line, but i think she just doesn't, period. It's a really big deal to her, and it looks scary. It doesn't help that she's not talking about it. It was strange, saying it out loud, to Eli of all people. They never had that kind of problems. He never thought he would, ever. That's what he got for having so very few relationships, prefering to swipe on apps and forgetting names. Still, it was worth it. Just a little bump in the road, caused by one in his pants.

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Eliott Patenaude
Eliott Patenaude
- to the oak creek we go -
▸INSCRIPTION : 23/05/2019
▸AVATAR : ariana, smmg.
▸EMPLOI : ballerine pour boston ballet depuis un ans.

thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade Empty
MessageSujet: Re: eliott » new decade   thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade EmptyMar 11 Fév - 20:02

Suddenly, the conversation was getting serious. Her happiness wasn’t in the center of it all. Maybe he was telling her just to be able to talk about it with someone. Sadly for him, his ex was the only option. Sex was never a topic Ivy and Eli explored. Eli was next to the bar, not using it anymore. Just standing, listening to King stressing out. Breathe King, your ears are getting purple. Poor boy, he was nervous.
She didn’t know how to deal with her feelings, how could she respond in a supportive ex girlfriend trying to be happy for her ex way? I mean, there was a lot of people in the house. One time in a month isn’t much.. Mais avec tous les Australiens in and out of the house, not everyone can get in the mood easily.  For some reason she felt pressured. She needed to find something smart to say. Something he’d think is useful. Something that would prouve him she’s happy for them. But god dammit, she wasn’t a sex or ivy expert. (two thing king claims he is btw.) If it didn’t happen again in two months. I mean… At least you’re giving her space. For some reason maybe she isn’t ready to try again? You say she really don’t talk about it, maybe there’s something more to it than the sex itself? Maybe she’s self conscious about something. Girls think too much, maybe she’s just overthinking it too. Eli wasn’t proud of her response. He probably could see it. She didn’t save the day with it. She didn’t say anything smart. She failed. And I mean, maybe try to just let her know she can talk about it with someone other than you if it’s too much for her right now. Some people have master degrees about sex. Thinking of the netflix show, Ivy really shouldn’t seek a teenager virgin boy for advice, but someone like his mom could help her out.
@Kingsley Delarosa
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Kingsley Delarosa
Kingsley Delarosa
ADMIN ❖ roots before branches
▸INSCRIPTION : 03/03/2019
▸AVATAR : t holland / wcstedrose.
▸EMPLOI : writter

thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade Empty
MessageSujet: Re: eliott » new decade   thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade EmptyMer 4 Mar - 2:11

Eli was right about one thing. He needed to breathe. He could feel the tension building up in his body fast, a mixture of stress, fear, and hum, not getting any and having to talk about it. Not everyone can get in the mood - But i can. You should know. Back in the days, Eliott and Kingsley had no problem with getting in the mood, when people were around. They didn't really have a choice, being young, hormonal, living in their parents houses and so far away from each other. It didn't matter if someone heard or if Nancy busted them again - the torture of not doing it was way worse.

Eli kept talking, the pressure in his brain kept going up.

I don't think she has anything to be self conscious about - Have you seen her? He felt his heart pinch, a little, thinking that someone so perfect could think she had any issues. He took a little moment to breathe, as Eli had suggested. He really didn't want to think about that anymore. It hurt to much, and it wasn't a good idea to think of her body - Not now anyway. I don't know if she needs, like, professional help. Eli didn't know that, but Kingsley knew a bit more about sexology then he cared to tell. He also knew it took a lot for someone to go seek help - they just weren't there yet. Maybe... You can talk to her? I mean, I would, but clearly, she's not telling me what i'm doing wrong. 

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Eliott Patenaude
Eliott Patenaude
- to the oak creek we go -
▸INSCRIPTION : 23/05/2019
▸AVATAR : ariana, smmg.
▸EMPLOI : ballerine pour boston ballet depuis un ans.

thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade Empty
MessageSujet: Re: eliott » new decade   thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade EmptyLun 9 Mar - 17:53

Well you know you have a right hand? Even a left one if you get bored. It  was kind of a joke, responding to him being able to get in the mood. He’d have to talk about it with Ivy, yes, but if it turned out she was just not the kind of girl that would do it everyday, he’d have to deal with it in another way if he wanted this relationship to work. Maybe it has nothing to do with being self conscious. Maybe it does,  but it’s not talking to me that you will find out. Eli wanted to be a great friend, but she didn’t really know how to give her ex sexlife advice. It wasn’t like he asked about how he did back then with her. It was about intimacy with his new girlfriend, where she had no knowledge about. They could talk about hypothetical reasons all day long. Maybe she thought he didn’t like it that much, maybe it was somehow painful down there somehow. ELI DIDN’T KNOW. And trying to be a great support was stressing her out too. She was falling her first attempt at being a good friend. Even worse. Falling at being a helpful ex girlfriend. Oh, speaking to her? I can do that! Stopping whatever stretch she was doing, her voice was getting pitchy has excitement was growing in her. She could maybe be useful. Even maybe be a potential good friend to Ivy at least average one. (I'm aware there'S too much great, good, nice friend here, but Eli's brain is working fast and using simple words)  But I cannot tell you what she tells me. No, no! Unless, I don’t know she tells me she killed someone naked and that's why she can’t stand to be naked with people anymore. Just in case, the urge of killing comes up again. Then, I would. She’d be a danger to yourself. Otherwise, I can try to help her out, but I won’t share her stuff with anyone. It wasn’t a great (again) picture anyways. Sending your ex to find out info about your new bae sexlife. King didn’t ask her to do so, but Eli was good(again, again) with assuming stuff.  Would you help me out with a project of mine? Not saying he’d have to put on a dress to help her see what she DIY on someone. She’d ask Ivy, but if Ivy think this dress is ugly, Eli would look bad and lose all hope of being Ivy’s new best friend now that the spot was open. Because you know, she was dated him now.
@Kingsley Delarosa
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Kingsley Delarosa
Kingsley Delarosa
ADMIN ❖ roots before branches
▸INSCRIPTION : 03/03/2019
▸AVATAR : t holland / wcstedrose.
▸EMPLOI : writter

thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade Empty
MessageSujet: Re: eliott » new decade   thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade EmptyMer 11 Mar - 2:33

Not to go into too much details, but Kingsley was very well aware that he had two hands. He had other stuff too, toys that he wouldn’t talk about with Eli. Sure, that was a great way to release tension when it got too much, but that wasn’t a long term solution, and frankly, he felt a bit conflicted about it. He had someone now, a girlfriend, probably, and he wanted to be with her, not with Mr right hand and his finger friends. It also felt a little, well, pervy to do that thinking about her when the reason he was doing it in the first place was that she had issues with doing it for real. It felt even more wrong to picture anyone else, because he liked her, and what if she was suddenly telepathic?

In the end, he ended up not having to talk about it, since he’d thought too much and Eli had went on to another subject. Ivy killing people while naked, and doing a DYI project.

Kingsley looked at Eliott, a bit puzzled.

Ivy had told him she’d only been with one other. He had assumed it was McCoy, and he knew the guy was still alive, since he would still get the random “HOW IS HE STILL HERE?” texts from old harvard buddies going on campus to do a lecture once in a while.

So, she hadn’t killed him.

She did have a killer body though, that was true.

As long as I don’t have to get half naked on camera, again. Kingsley stood up, ready to be used by his ex-girlfriend once again. She seemed to really enjoy her projects, and he liked seeing her happy, so he was always ready to help. Quick question before. Due to a previous relationship, I tend to get a bit paranoid about one possibility. He looked at Eli, dead in the eye, knowing he was about to say something pretty ridiculous aka the best joke ever in his mind. You don’t think she’s secretly gay, right?

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Eliott Patenaude
Eliott Patenaude
- to the oak creek we go -
▸INSCRIPTION : 23/05/2019
▸AVATAR : ariana, smmg.
▸EMPLOI : ballerine pour boston ballet depuis un ans.

thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade Empty
MessageSujet: Re: eliott » new decade   thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade EmptyDim 15 Mar - 20:42

King agreed to let Eli enjoy her madness. Which meant getting him in her room. Poor boy, he never liked not seeing the floor of the places he walked in. Good thing is Eli did a little clean up during her last day off (hiding everything under her bed). Eli loved to wear King’s t-shirt has dresses so the length of his torso was perfect measurement for the length of the dresses she was modifying. I won’t film this one I promise. She had no problem with being half naked online, but she had to accept not everyone does.
While she was getting her project out of her messy sewing fabric pile Kingsey asked one last question about his romantic problem that made Eli laugh. Remembering what she did to him. Not that it was funny though, Kingsley was a keeper. If it wasn’t of his genitals… Sadly for him, maybe he’d still be stuck with her. (he still kinda is anyways) I don’t think she explored that part of sexuality… but doesn’t mean anything, right? Ivy just had one boyfriend before, so who knew really. She’s only gay for you! Saying that with the dress in her hands picturing her ex in it. You dont have to put it on really, I just don’t have anything to put it on and if I can mark on your the place I want to cut I won’t risk making it too short. Like it was possible for Eli really. Maybe she was just trying to spend time with her second new BFF, she had to pick which one of her two favorite human deserved the number one stop. Him being her ex was in the cons and pros list pour déterminer who could be number one. He knew him better than anyone… Which is good and bad. Ivy and her shared an interest in the same type of guy. That was also a good pro and con. Anyhow, right now the dress was her priorities and she was glad to work on it with King. Stop thinking about the nutella she tried to burn in the dance studio.
@Kingsley Delarosa
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Kingsley Delarosa
Kingsley Delarosa
ADMIN ❖ roots before branches
▸INSCRIPTION : 03/03/2019
▸AVATAR : t holland / wcstedrose.
▸EMPLOI : writter

thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade Empty
MessageSujet: Re: eliott » new decade   thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade EmptyLun 20 Avr - 0:20

It wasn't that he minded the nakedness, not really. King wasn't ashamed of his body, like at all. Younger, he might have thought he was a little too skinny, not muscly enough and too short, but in between dance, his work outs and puberty, two of his issues had corrected themselves. Still, he was barely able to reach the last shelves of the kitchen cupboards, but he had learned not to care so much. Ivy could help him get the cookies hidden up high if he was struggling too hard. Really, he mostly didn't want to get filmed because of the comments he knew a video would get. Hate, yeah. Weirdos talking about his bellybutton for way too long, maybe. Girls and gays saying very explicit things on the internet - bound to happen. He couldn't have Ivy reading what other people would let him do to them. Not right now, when she felt insecure.

Now sure no comments would be made, Kingsley followed Eli in her room, or should he say, her pig sty. To some, the room might have looked clean enough, but to a Delarosa, it was panic inducing. He could see half finished water bottles on her commode, clothes hidden under the bed, and oh! Had she adopted a few dust bunnies without telling him? Her sloppiness was a good thing tho - something to think about, that wasn't Ivy's sexuality. Yeah. he cleared his throat. Kingsley couldn't really understand how a person would not want to explore, though, and that was the main issue he had. King had had his fun. He knew what he liked, and he knew what he wanted, what he would be happy to settle with for the long run... But Ivy didn't seem to be curious, at all. Girl would eat any type of ice cream, taking hours to order the perfect flavor to satisfy her cravings, but she was ok with whatever dick? She really was good, going for a life of only scoops of red velvet? She didn't want to taste a bit of sorbet? go for a bit of strawberry milkshake? or a soft served old man, needing a bit of help to get fun? If she didn't try, how could she know she wouldn't get tired of the same old king? I mean, i couldn't fault her if she wanted to. Boobs are great. He took the very small amount of fabric that was supposed to be a dress, following Eli's instructions. Why don't you just... take my shirt to mesure, it would be more precise. King had curves, ok? Her dress would end up ras-le-ouh-ha if she just when with where the shirt hit him. So, he took it off - She wasn't about to jump on him anyway, been there, done him too many times.

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Eliott Patenaude
Eliott Patenaude
- to the oak creek we go -
▸INSCRIPTION : 23/05/2019
▸AVATAR : ariana, smmg.
▸EMPLOI : ballerine pour boston ballet depuis un ans.

thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade Empty
MessageSujet: Re: eliott » new decade   thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade EmptyMer 3 Juin - 7:44

To Eli King wasn’t short at all. She often envied his long legs but enjoyed borrowing his t-shirt and call them an outfit. Relationship or not, this part of their history never stopped and she was glad Ivy wasn’t bad it didn’t when she got together with him. It was all about fashion not feelings. Sure, she’ll always love Kiki, but this ship has sailed and sank way to many times.  We bought had questions, we needed explorations. Eli still explores and still doesn’t know what she wants. Maybe she needs to learn what she likes in bed, but I guess most people that only likes the opposite sex never needed to look at what they missed. In a world where, a man liking women and a woman like men is what is considered ok, maybe it’s ok not to go look at a breast just to make sure it doesn't wake up something in you? You never knew her that way, you’re bth exploring a new side of each other. Just that must be scary really, when you’ve know someone by heat for ever. Give her time. Eli was clumsy and  not used to put herself in someone else's shoes. King is important to her so she was maybe over doing it, trying to think like him or Ivy. That’s actually pretty smart. Taking her ex’s shirt to measure was less fun than putting him in a dress, but it would do the job. I can see working out keeps you distracted. Referring to his abs has she placed the t-shirt on the table over her dress to mark where she needed to cut.
Giving him his shirt back. I’m really happy for you two by the way. You’ll be great parents. Now Eli was purposely messing with King. Noah knows her ex, maybe I can get info on how bad of a lover he was. Eli would spy any day for King, but she can’t promise to be a fly on the walls, butterfly are way prettier.
@Kingsley Delarosa
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Kingsley Delarosa
Kingsley Delarosa
ADMIN ❖ roots before branches
▸INSCRIPTION : 03/03/2019
▸AVATAR : t holland / wcstedrose.
▸EMPLOI : writter

thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade Empty
MessageSujet: Re: eliott » new decade   thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade EmptyLun 6 Juil - 20:42

I never had questions. I always knew. Kingsley spoke slowly, careful not to hurt his exe's feelings. The bi thing, I mean. Not what I liked to do - that I didn't. But the bi thing - Yeah. I always felt like it was pretty evident, to me and to others. He stopped, feeling he was getting into dangerous territory. Obviously, his story wasn't universal. Kingsley had grown up pretty lucky. Despite growing up catholic and having a notoriously homophobic big brother, he had never felt pressured into hiding his attraction to one gender or the other. Sure, traditionally, tacos were made with hard shell corn tortillas, but there's nothing wrong with liking the soft flour ones, or even both at the same time. His sister Mikki had told him, once, when he was really little. His parents didn't seem to care too much either. Sure, mama Delarosa was pretty set on her values for some things, but when it came to people's identities, she didn't care too much. Kingsley had gotten pretty lucky and had been adopted into an accepting family. It's not the case for everybody - he reminded himself, again and again, looking at Eli. Seeing her reminded him that each human experienced life in a completely different way. She had her own life, her own perception of things. So did Ivy. Maybe their problems had roots he couldn't understand yet. He'd have to wait. I will. If things go right, we have a lifetime to figure things out. Things would go right. Kingsley would make sure of it. He wasn't the type to throw away something at the first hiccup anyway, but was even more ready to work on something he cared about and his relationship with Ivy, even before, was the most precious thing to him.

Too deep in his thoughts, Eli's comment on his body almost went over his head.


You know me. Gotta get it out otherwise i'll start cleaning. It, by the way, didn't refer to sperm, that's gross. Think more... Energy. ANYWAY. King took his shirt back and tried to put it on his back, struggling because of Eli's comments. Parents. Will being a bad lover. Eli's booty call doing the deed with Ivy's ex. It was all too much for his lil' bean brain. YO He said, still half in his shirt. I don't need to learn about your little friend's sex life with that ass. King had already decided Will was bad in bed anyway. They'd both went to the same university, and met at a few parties. McCoy was a big frat boy. Picking up girls like daisies, while people watch just to make sure the ladies were walking straight enough to consent. Kingsley had witness a lot of girls go into rooms with him. Rarely he had seen one come out with a smile, or an aura of total relaxation... Just sayin'. Also. You know we're not making a baby right away, right? Not that it was a totally bad idea - the baby WOULD be cute.

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thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade Empty
MessageSujet: Re: eliott » new decade   thecutestballetduoever - eliott » new decade Empty

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